La méthodologie participative

Onglet Projets
ARI Docs Viewer: '' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
Méthodologie de la participation citoyenne à l'élaboration du plan annuel d'investissement municipal 2016
ARI Docs Viewer: '' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
Méthodologie et mécanismes de participation citoyenne au plan annuel d'investissement municipal 2016
ARI Docs Viewer: '' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.

Nos contacts

  • Commune de bouargoub
  • bd du 14 Janvier 8040 Bouargoub, Nabeul
  • - Tel:  72 259 504
  • - Fax: 72 259 545
  • - Mail:

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